Can I Delete an Expense?
Delete Your Own Expense
You can delete your own reimbursable expense in Abacus before it has been approved by either a manager or an admin. Once it has been approved, you can no longer delete an expense.
To delete an expense, click the trash can next to the expense.
You cannot delete corporate card transactions in Abacus.
Delete Someone Else's Expense
Admins and managers cannot delete reimbursable expenses submitted by someone else. Admins and managers can deny reimbursable expenses submitted for their approval or comment on the expense if it needs more information.
You cannot delete corporate card transactions in Abacus, but admins can skip corporate card transactions that are not necessary to reconcile.
Unsubmit a Corporate Card Expense
In Abacus, you cannot delete corporate card expenses; however, you can unsubmit them if needed. Unsubmitting a corporate card expense will send the expense back to the Transactions page of the card owner.
To unsubmit a corporate card transaction, click the More Actions button next to the expense and select Unsubmit.