Managing Your Team on the People Page
As an Admin, you can view and manage users on the People page. The People page contains all Active, Pending, and Deactivated members in Abacus.
To navigate to the People page, click People in your Admin sidebar.
On the People page, you can use the filters and search bar at the top of the page to sort through all members.
Invite People to Abacus
To invite people to your company's Abacus account, you'll need to send out a unique invitation so that person can join the official company account. This could be employees, accountants, or outside contractors. Each new member will receive an email invitation and must use the link in the email to join the company account.
You can invite people to Abacus manually following the instructions below or you can bulk upload new users you would like to invite using a CSV.
To invite people to Abacus:
1. In your Admin sidebar, click People.
2. Click Invite Users.
3. Input the person's email address and add an optional note. You can invite more than one end-user at a time by separating email addresses with a comma.
4. Optionally, toggle the Show Advanced option to Yes to enable these options:
Schedule Deactivation Date: If you would like to invite an end user to the account for a temporary amount of time, you can schedule a deactivation date in advance. This comes in handy, especially for recruiting candidates who have limited time to interview onsite.
Send an email invitation to Abacus now? Select this option you would like to delay inviting users to Abacus. This comes in handy during account configuration if you would like to set up manager relationships, departments, and rules prior to employees setting up their accounts.
4. Click Invite.
Send a Member Invite
If a person that you invited hasn't activated their Abacus account, you can resend the invitation by clicking Send Invite under their email address on the People page.
To send an invite to multiple people, check the boxes next to their names on the People page and click Invite.
Edit Member Profiles
You can edit members manually following the instructions below or you can bulk upload user information using a CSV.
Click the pencil icon next to someone's name to view their User Profile.
From here, assign them a role as an Admin, Manager, or Member. Next, indicate who they are managed by, any delegates they might have, and edit their Team Fields. Always remember to click Save when you've made changes!
Learn more about the different Roles and Permissions and Team Fields in Abacus.
Edit Member Profiles in Bulk
Admins can select multiple people to edit multiple member accounts at once. This includes granting admin status, assigning or changing managers, deactivating accounts, or editing Team Fields.
To bulk edit, check the boxes next to the members you would like to edit and click Edit to open the Edit Profiles pane.
Note that you must check the box next to the dropdown in order to make changes to all of the selected members' profiles:
Always remember to click Save when you've made changes!
Deactivate a User
Deactivating a member in Abacus means that they can no longer log in to their account. However, if they have outstanding expenses, they can still be paid out so long as there is still a bank account connected. The account can always be re-activated if needed.
To deactivate a member from your account:
1. Click Deactivate User next to their name on the People page.
2. Select the deactivation option that makes sense for the user.
3. Click Deactivate.
Reactivate a User
To reactive a deactivated user:
1. Click the pencil next to their name on the People page to view their User Profile.
2. Click Reactivate.
When the user is reactivated, they must log in using their previous password. If they do not remember their previous password they can trigger a password reset at any time by clicking on the Forgot your password? link on the login page.