Troubleshooting Team Bulk Upload
There are a few instances where you can hit an error uploading your new team CSV. Below are the common instances of errors, and how to fix them.
Failed to Process File Error
Title Row or Email Missing
You will get an error if the CSV is missing a title row that defines the Email column, or if it’s missing an Email column completely.
If you see this error, go back to the CSV to make sure your “Email” column exists and is titled.
Unrecognized Values
You may also get this error if Abacus is unable to recognize certain values in the CSV. This could happen if you included a Team Field for Location, but did not previously enter all the different locations into Abacus.
If you want to see where the errors are exactly, click “Review Errors.” This will show you which users have unrecognized information in their row, and which fields are not recognized.
You can then return to your CSV and fix the errors before you upload it again.