Available Advanced Filters for Expenses and Transactions
In Abacus, you can use Advanced Filters on the Reimbursable Expenses and Card Transactions pages to refine your expense data for the purpose of reporting or searching for expenses.
On the Card Transactions or Reimbursable Expense page, click Advanced Filters.
State | Filter by the approval state of expenses (Unapproved, Approved, et al.) |
Auto Approval | Filter expenses that have been automatically approved by approval rules |
Expense Date | Filter expenses by the date of the expense (Reimbursable Expenses only) |
Submission Date |
Filter transactions by the date of submission for approval in Abacus |
Transaction Date |
Filter expenses by the transaction date on your corporate card bank statement (Card Transactions only) |
Posted Date |
Filter transactions by the Posted date on your corporate card bank statement (Card Transactions only) |
Statement Date |
Filter transactions by the statement date |
All users | Filter expenses by specific or multiple users |
All Categories | Filter expenses by specific or multiple categories |
Transaction Status | Filter by Pending, Posted or Skipped transactions |
Amount | Filter expenses by the total amount of a specific expense |
Billable | Filter expenses based on whether they are billable (True/False) |
Resubmitted | Filter transactions that were sent back to the submitter and then resubmitted by the submitter |
Current Reviewer | Filter by the current reviewer of an expense in the approval flow (Not available on the Pending Submission tab of the Card Transactions page. These charges have not been submitted for approval, so no current reviewer has been assigned.) |
International | Filter expenses that were submitted in International Mode. This filter is only for organizations that utilize International Mode. |
Manager | Filter expenses by an expense submitter's Manager approver |
Merchant | Filter expenses by a specific Merchant |
Payment Status | Filter Reimbursable expenses by Paid or Processing status |
Receipt | Filter expenses based on whether they have a receipt attached |
Trip | Filter expenses based on a specific Trip |
Warnings | Filter expenses based on whether there is a warning flag associated |
Statement Date | Filter Transactions by the statement date on your corporate card bank statement. This filter is only for organizations that utilize a Corporate tier (SFTP) card program. |
Approved Date | Filter expenses by the date that they were approved in Abacus |
Card Programs | Filter Transactions available under a specific card program |
If your organiztion uses custom fields to track expenses, you also have the ability to Filter expenses based on your Team Fields and Expense Fields.
If you plan on using a series of Advanced Filters on a regular basis, you can also save your Advanced filter settings in Abacus.