Resetting Your Password
Reset Your Password from the Login Screen
1. If you need to reset your password, you can click Forgot Password? on the login screen.
2. Enter your email address and click Reset Password.
3. The message "Check your inbox for a link to reset your password" appears.
4. A password reset email will be sent to your inbox. Click the Reset Password link in the email.
Abacus does not allow such special characters as @, #, $, %, &, or * in your password.
If you do not receive the email with the link to reset your password, ensure that our domain has not been marked as spam. Please reach out to your IT team to add our address,, to the allowed list.
Reset Your Password from Personal Settings
1. In the top right corner, click your name and select Personal Settings.
2. The Security tab allows you to change your password and enable or disable two-factor authentication for login.