Approve or Deny Submitted Reimbursable Expenses in the iOS and Android Apps
iOS App
1. To approve or deny submitted reimbursable expenses in the iOS App, tap the Manager or Admin tab to view your team's expenses.
2. Review and approve or deny expenses.
- Swipe left to approve multiple expenses at once.
- Or, approve or deny expenses individually by tapping on the expense, viewing the details, and tapping the Approve or Deny button.
Android App
1. To approve or deny submitted reimbursable expenses in the Android App, tap the Team tab in the Android app to view your team's expenses.
2. Review and approve or deny expenses.
- To approve multiple expense at once, tap the double check mark icon in the top right.
- Or, approve or deny expenses individually by tapping on the expense, viewing the details, and tapping the Approve or Deny button.