How to Submit Corporate Card Transactions
As purchases are made using corporate cards connected to Abacus, a feed of transactions will start to appear under the Needs Attention section of your personal Dashboard, as well as on the Transactions page. Once they are posted (typically within 1–3 business days), you will need to review and submit the transactions.
If you need reimbursement for an out-of-pocket business expense, you can submit it as a reimbursable expense in Abacus.
For details on the Pending Submission transaction status, see View Pending Corporate Card Transactions.
Submit Card Transactions from Your Dashboard
1. Locate your card transaction in the Needs Attention section of your personal Dashboard.
2. To attach a receipt, click upload to select an image from your computer or click Browse Receipts to select a receipt that you've already uploaded.
Follow these instructions to include multiple receipts.
3. Click Add Details to add expense fields right from this window, or click Expand to open the expense submission window. Fill in the required fields in order to add context to your expense.
4. Follow these instructions to itemize the expense, add flight details or attendees, or indicate that it is billable.
5. Once all information has been reviewed and added, click Submit.
The transaction will be sent to your Manager for approval and will appear on the Completed tab of the Transactions page once it is approved.
Submit Corporate Card Transactions from the Transactions Page
On the Transactions page, posted transactions need to be reviewed before they can be submitted.
1. Click Transactions in your Personal sidebar to access the Transactions page.
2. Click the more actions menu and select Edit.
3. Fill in the required fields in order to add context to your expense. Follow these instructions to itemize the expense, add flight details or attendees, or indicate that it is billable.
4. To attach a receipt, click upload select an image from your computer or click Browse Receipts to select a receipt that you've already uploaded. (Follow these instructions to include multiple receipts.)
5. Once all warnings are resolved, click Submit. The transaction will appear under the Submitted tab, pending Manager approval. When the transaction is fully approved, it will be listed under the Completed tab.
Bulk Submit Transactions from the Transactions Page
On the Transactions page, you can bulk-submit corporate card transactions as long as the selected transactions are not in a Pending state.
To bulk-submit, click the checkbox to the left of the transactions you would like to submit and click Submit at the top of the page.
Submit Corporate Card Transactions for Other Users
Admins may submit corporate card transactions for other users as long as the associated card has been assigned to a user. See Connecting a Corporate Card Program for details on how to assign cards.
1. Find the desired transaction in the list and check that there is a user assigned in the Card Holder column.
2. You may edit details or submit the expense by selecting the
More Actions (three dots) button next to the transaction.
Submit Corporate Card Transactions from the iOS App
To submit card transactions using the iPhone app:
1. Tap the menu in the top left corner of the home screen.
2. Tap Unexpensed.
3. This will take you to your list of connected card transactions. To expense a transaction, just tap it, add details, and tap Send.
Submit Card Transactions from the Android App
To submit Card Transactions using the Android app:
1. Tap the add + button.
2. Tap Expense Card Transaction.
3. This will take you to your list of connected card transactions. To expense a transactions, just tap it, add details, and tap Send.