How to Connect a Personal Credit Card in Abacus
In order to make it as fast and easy as possible to submit expenses through Abacus, you have the option to link a personal debit or credit card to Abacus. We'll import all transactions made on the card (only you will be able to see or expense them), and each transaction will be listed in your card feed. We'll auto-populate the amount, merchant, and date of the transaction so that you don't have to fill those fields out.
This article will review how to connect your personal credit card to Abacus and how to expense a personal card transaction from your card feed.
Due to the myriad of institutions and card types, and because the integration service runs through another provider on the back-end, it is not possible for us to offer technical support for personal credit card integrations.
If you are unable to find a connection that works for your card you can Create and Submit Reimbursable Expenses manually.
1. How to connect your personal credit card to Abacus
Navigate to your Cards tab in your navigation bar and select Add Personal Card.
Here you will be selecting the bank that issued your credit card to begin the process. In order to import your transactions, you will have to log in with the online account that you use to manage your Card.
To complete the linking process, you need to indicate how far back you want us to import your transactions, and whether you want a daily reminder of new card transactions. Then you're all set, add your card!
2. How to expense a personal card transaction from your card feed
We will import your transactions into your card feed as your bank sends them over. Once a transaction is in your feed, click on the Personal tab and select Cards to view your personal card transactions. You can expense a transaction by clicking Expense and filling in the required fields.
If you connected a personal card and don't want to expense your imported transactions, you can just Skip them. Your employer will never see your skipped transactions.
Expensing from the Mobile App
Additionally, Card transactions can be expensed from the mobile app (where you can take advantage of photo receipt capture).
1. On the app home screen tap on the three lines on the left hand corner and then select "Cards". When accessed, we display your card transactions sorted by connected card
2. Click on a transaction to create and add detail to the expense form
3. Tap "Send" to submit. The expense will now be visible under "My Pending Expenses" on the app home screen.